HEAC Working Party (Emirates A380): FO signs the agreement


Changes specific to the A380 Working Party compared with the current « Working Party » agreement:

● Airbus SAS employees:

○ change in the bonus paid to Working Parties staff from 18% to 25% of the flat-rate salary and seniority bonus, calculated on the number of working days on which the employee is attached to the HEAC WP on the Toulouse site (excluding Sundays, public holidays, all types of leave, days of recuperation as well as training days)

○ specific compensation for Working parties Cadres staff on a fixed day rate for work carried out on a public holiday via the payment of a bonus of €157.52 gross

○ a maximum of 1 Saturday out of 2 worked, except in exceptional circumstances

○ ambition formulated in the plans presented to move towards a maximum of 1 Saturday out of 3 worked (in particular through the recruitment plan currently underway)

● Airbus Operations staff:

○ bonus for journeymen of €160 gross per month worked on HEAC WP at Toulouse

● Implementation on 01/09/2023 with retroactive effect of all these measures on 01/12/2022

NOTE: the other provisions set out in the current « Working Party » agreement are maintained (payment of overtime, shift increases, Working Parties Managers’ bonus, etc.).

FO considerations

FO takes note of the changes obtained during these negotiations in response to our demands.
These measures will make it possible to compensate for the specific constraints of the Emirates A380 WP in Toulouse.

Beyond the financial aspect, FO will remain vigilant to ensure that the commitments concerning work/life balance are met in the long term.

In addition, when negotiations are reopened at the beginning of 2024 on the global agreement on « Working Party, technical assistance and testing », FO will continue to make proposals with the aim of improving the provisions common to all programmes and broadening the scope of application of certain measures.

In view of the progress achieved for these employees, FO has therefore assumed its responsibilities and signed this agreement.