Impact of pension reform: further management’s proposals


On 10 July, FO alerted management to the urgent need to provide a response to the specific situation of employees already engaged in end-of-career measures for whom the legal retirement age is deferred following application of the pension reform on 1 September 2023.


In our leaflet of 21 July 2023, we informed you that as part of the negotiations on the GEPP agreement, management was proposing to ensure the continuity of inactivity for employees who had already physically left the company by 14 April 2023 under the DCAA, the End of career TSA, or who had converted part of their IDR (retirement premium) into days of inactivity (see details of the proposed measures in our leaflet of 21 July).

While these measures cover some of the employees concerned, FO had also demanded that solutions be offered to employees involved in an end-of-career scheme but who had not physically left the company by 14 April 2023, in particular by implementing in advance the end-of-career measures negotiated in « RELOAD », without waiting for the date of application of the agreement relating to the new social status of employees on 1 January 2024.

Management therefore made the following proposals on 23 August:

1st case: employees affected by the reform and who had a retroactive departure plan validated and signed before the date of promulgation of the law of 14 April 2023

Revision of the overall departure timetable to propose the best combination of the following additional measures:


● Early application of the end-of-career support measures provided for in the group agreement relating to the status of employees of 10/02/2023 (Reload):
✓ Conversion of IDR to 85% (compared with 75% currently)
✓ Cumulation of end-of-career measures for up to 36 months (compared with 30 months currently).

● Maintenance of the notice period not worked (even if worked in 2024) in accordance with the SPIR note of 5 May 2022.

● Reopening if necessary and according to individual cases of additional investments on the  End of career TSA:
✓ Funding (retroactive where applicable) by bonuses (annual bonus or variable portion) paid in April or June 2023.
✓ Early payment of bonuses (annual bonus or variable portion) paid in November and December 2023.
✓ Voluntary payment (maximum of 2,500 euros).
✓ Investment of remaining days (paid leave, RTT…).

● Extension of the assisted part-time period until the new retirement date.

2nd case: employees affected by the reform whose request for retro-scheduling had been made (but not validated) pending promulgation of the law of 14 April 2023

Revision of the overall retirement schedule, giving employees a choice:

1- Postpone their entry date for the first end-of-career measure


2- Revising the overall timetable for departure in order to offer the best possible combination of the following complementary measures:

● Early application of the end-of-career support measures provided for in the group agreement on employee status of 10/02/2023 (Reload):
✓ Conversion of IDR to 85% (compared with 75% currently)
✓ Accumulation of end-of-career measures for up to 36 months (compared with 30 months currently).

● Additional investments on the ​End of career TSA:
✓ Conversion of bonuses (annual bonus or variable portion) paid in April or June 2023.
✓ Possibility of voluntary payment (maximum of 2,500 euros) into the ​End of career TSA scheme
✓ Placement of remaining days in the ​End of career TSA (​paid leave, RTT…)

For ​​FO, it was inconceivable that employees could be forced, either for some to return to their workstation, or for others to have to postpone their departure, with no other alternative, when they were already officially identified in an end-of-career process.
Once again, common sense prevailed!

Management has also undertaken to deal with other specific situations that are not covered on a case-by-case basis. Your ​FO representatives will keep a close eye on these individual or collective cases.