Below you will find a quick summary of the placements/investments you can make at the moment.
1/ Transfer of days from CET to PERCOL
Until December 4, 2023, you can transfer days from your TSA (“Other Rights” and/or “End of Career” sub-accounts) to the PERCOL (Collective Company Retirement Savings Plan).
=> go to myHR/Services/Service Request/Transfer of TSA days to PERCOL
You benefit from a 40% contribution on the first 10 days of TSA transferred to PERCOL each year. These 10 days are also tax-exempt.
Example: for a salary of €4400 gross monthly, the value of 1 day is 4400/22 = €200. 10 days therefore represent €2000, so the 40% contribution amounts to €800.
2/ Placement of the deposit of the annual bonus and/or the seniority bonus (cadres) on the TSA
=> go to myHR / Services / Service request / Monetary investment at TSA
What is the point of such an investment?
- Use “end of career” TSA days (« Long Term » TSA from January 2024) to retire earlier (33.33% contribution)
- and/or use the “end of career” TSA days (« Long Term » TSA from January 2024) to take a break during your career (1.5 to 6 months)
- and/or have additional days of leave available (“other rights” TSA which will become the « Short Term » TSA in January 2024) => possible take per 1/2 day
- and/or have days to transfer each year to PERCOL: see point 1/ above.
As a reminder, from 2024, the seniority bonus will be paid monthly and can therefore no longer be placed on the TSA.
Finally, if you currently have rights to the “other rights” or the “5th week paid leave” TSA, please note that they will be transferred to the “Short Term” TSA in January 2024.
We remain at your disposal for any questions.