Since January 1, 2024, Whit Monday (May 20, 2024) has been a paid holiday not worked.
Each employee must contribute to the Solidarity Day by allocating one day of rest per calendar year to a specific “Solidarity Day” counter under MyHR.
The contribution must be made between January 1 and June 30, using days from the following counters:
additional paid leave,
excess hours to be recovered,
recuperation days and hours.
To do this, go to MyHR/Temps and select “Placement and Transfers”:
Once you have chosen the type of investment, add 1 day to the “Solidarity Day” CET sub-account:
Note: This measure does not apply to the following people:
employees holding a job equal to or higher than H16,
employees involved in an end-of-career measure.
During the negotiations of the new social status of Airbus employees in France, FO obtained an additional day of leave related to the solidarity day, within the commercial a/c division.
This day was integrated into the 6th week of paid leave for employees with 4 days or less of seniority leave at the end of 2023.
Employees who had already 5 days of seniority leave have seen their annual salary increased by the equivalent of one day of work.