Airbus SAS Social and Economic Committee (SEC) on 30 August 2024: Minutes of Meeting


The last Social and Economic Committee (SEC) was held on August 30, 2024, you will find below the main points to remember.


Commercial Situation Airbus Commercial Aircraft at the and of July 2024

Since the beginning of the year, Airbus recorded 386 gross orders (47% market share) compared to 228 gross orders for Boeing (28% market share) and 200 gross orders for Comac (24% market share).

Airbus' order book is 8,565 aircrafts, including 7,655 Single Aisle and 910 Wide Body, compared to 6,184 aircrafts for Boeing, or respectively 58% and 42% market share.

Concerning deliveries, Airbus delivered 400 aircrafts at the end of July compared to 218 aircrafts for Boeing, or respectively 63% and 34% of deliveries.

As a reminder, the delivery target for 2024 has been set at 770 aircraft.



Accidentology Airbus SAS - TF1 (Legal Social Security) FR1 (Airbus Déclaration)

During July 2024, no work accidents with stoppage of more than 30 days were recorded

Consequently, the accident frequency rate over the last 12 rolling months for the Airbus SAS scope is:

1.84 for the TF1 rate 

0.59 for the FR1 rate 


The Airbus Commercial objective for the year 2024 has been set at 1.95 and the Airbus SAS 2024 objective remains < 1

As a reminder, the FR1 rate taken into account for the calculation of the incentive bonus is that of the ACA (Airbus Commercial Aircraft) scope.



Consultation following information on the new Velasquez entrance to DGA TA's Blagnac site and the pyrotechnic decontamination worksite - vote


As part of the project to modify the Velasquez entrance, a site decontamination worksite has become necessary, as the area concerned is located on a site that was bombed in 1944 and on which several potential bombs have been discovered.


Following a magnetometric and georadar analysis, 26 anomalies were reported, some of which could be likened to 500lb or 100lb bombs, but also to 81mm shells.

These potential anomalies therefore need to be dealt with to ensure that development work in the area can start safely.


For these reasons, FO has given a favourable vote.



Information on organizational changes within Corporate Audit


The Corporate Audit organization is responsible for providing Airbus with objective assurance based on risk management; providing improvement actions and recommendations, 


The objective of this organizational evolution is to adapt to the new organizational structure of the Group and Divisions, in order to cover all Airbus entities, integrating Divisions, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures worldwide.


This evolution will bring audit expertise by domain to cross-domain audit expertise in order to better manage workloads, as well as a renewal of half of the management team.


These changes will need to be accompanied by experts in change management.


The next SEC will be held on October 2, 2024