Feeding the Short Term TSA with money and transferring days to the Long Term TSA


Since the implementation of the new company agreement on January 1, 2024, the feeding of money to the Long Term TSA must be done through the Short Term TSA.
Thus, the days resulting from annual bonuses (June and November for non cadres, April and December for cadres F11 to H15, and April for senior managers H16) must first be placed and visible on the Short Term TSA before to be able to be transferred to the Long Term TSA.

It was planned that the days would only be credited to the Short Term TSA at the beginning of the month following the placement: beginning of May for the April bonus, beginning of July for the June bonus, etc.
This posed a problem in particular for the December bonus of year N for cadres because the days would not have been credited to the Short Term TSA until the beginning of January N+1, thus preventing them from being transferred to the Long Term TSA before the end of year N.

Following repeated requests from FO, Management has reviewed the procedure and from now on these days will be credited to the Short Term TSA from December 18th (year N). This will allow those who wish to transfer these days to the Long Term TSA before the end of December, on the quota for year N (30 days max. per year).
This is particularly interesting for the end of 2024 since, exceptionally, it is possible, in 2024, to transfer up to 40 days from the Short Term TSA to the Long Term TSA.

FO is pleased that its requests were finally heard, in the interests of the employees.

Note that for the other months (April, June and November), the days will appear on the Short Term TSA between the 23rd and 25th of the month.


  • In addition to the maximum 30 days to be transferred each year from the Short Term TSA to the Long Term TSA (40 days in 2024), it is possible to directly feed the Long Term TSA with Additional Paid Leave and JRTT (this system is not not open to classes 16).
    These days can also be placed directly on the Short Term TSA.

  • The Short Term TSA ceiling is 30 days at any time of the year.

Your FO delegates remain at your disposal for any questions on these subjects.