Working conditions and health at work are important concerns for FO.
Beyond the negotiated and signed company agreements (QVCT agreement of July 2024), FO is initiating a concrete action with a survey of employees. We will repeat the same approach every year to measure evolution.
The high participation in this first survey shows, if it were necessary, the interest of employees on this subject. Indeed, more than 1,500 responses have reached us.
The following positive points emerged from our survey:
80% of employees are satisfied with their job and the recognition they receive
72% of employees are satisfied with their relationships at work
However, our survey did not distinguish between relationships with colleagues and those with their manager. We will correct for the next 2025 survey to see if the results are different.
75% testify to their ability to disconnect from work in their free time
Some aspects are more mixed:
60% consider that development opportunities within Airbus are low
63% are satisfied with their work-life balance
66% of employees consider that the new telework agreement is satisfactory
Finally, among the negative points:
health at work: 46% of employees report that work has a negative impact on their health
car parks: nearly 66% consider that the parking situation is not satisfactory.
bicycle parking: nearly 60% of employees consulted report that the reception areas are not sufficient (not forgetting that the number of bicycles will certainly increase with the deployment of LLD planned for 2025)
Thank you for your numerous feedbacks, they will allow us to draw valuable lessons in order to focus our demands and our actions on the ground on the points to be improved.
At this stage, it appears that we must continue our actions concerning the infrastructures made available to you, in particular the parking lots.
Furthermore, should we see a link between the fact that 1/3 of employees are not satisfied with their work-life balance and that a similar proportion are not satisfied with the application of teleworking?
Finally, one figure concerns us and must also attract the attention of Management: nearly 1 in 2 employees believe that work has an impact on their health. In a tertiary environment, without any particular physical constraints, this must make us all wonder.
Our FO team is at your disposal to listen to you and support you, do not hesitate to contact us in case of difficulties.
We will renew this survey every year to measure the evolution and share it with you.